①If i were you, i would want to slap him in the face so bad.

=그의 싸대기를 날리고 싶을텐데, 아주 간절히

②I hate people who are like that. I just want to punch those people in the face.

=싫어해 그런 사람들. 난 그냥 그런 사람들 얼굴에 펀치를 날리고 싶어.

③I accidently hit him in the face. I feel really bad about it.

=내가 실수로 그의 얼굴을 때렸어. 그것에 대해 기분이 아주 안 좋아.

④He was being so rude. I just slapped him in the face. 

   I mean, I had to do something to make him stop.

= 그는 아주 무례하게 굴고 있었다. 내가 그의 얼굴을 그냥 slap 해버렸지.

   I mean, 난 뭔가를 할 수 밖에 없었다. 그를 stop하게 하기 위해.

⑤If i had a gun in my hand, I would have just shot him in the head or something.

= 내가 만약 내 손에 총이 있었다면, 난 그냥 그의 머리에 총을 쏘거나 뭐 그랬을 꺼야.

⑥When I heard that she was getting married, I wasn't as happy as i thought i would be.

i think it was because i was jealous of her or sth. I mean, what kind of a friend am i ?

=내가 들었을 때 그녀가 결혼한다는 것을, 난 생각했던 것만큼 행복하지 않았어.

내생각에 내가 그녀를 부러워 하거나 뭐 그랬나봐. I mean, 난 무슨 친구가 이 모양일까?

⑦She has always been a great friend. She has always been there for me. But i wasn't there 

for her when she needed me. I mean, what kind of a friend does that make me?

A pretty lousy friend, I guess.

=그녀는 항상 좋은 친구였지. 그녀는 항상 내 곁을 지켜주었어. 하지만, 난 그녀 곁을 지켜주지 못했지 그녀가 

날 필요로 했을 때. I mean, 뭔 친구가 난 이럴까? 상당히 별로인 친구인듯.