
tengo que, tienes que, tiene que

to do = hacer

to do it = hacerlo

i have to do it = tengo que hacerlo

to find = encontrar

to find it = encontrarlo

have to find it = tengo que encontrarlo

to see = ver

to see you = verte

have to see you = tengo que verte

he, she, it has = tiene

he has to = tiene que //3인칭

he has to do it = tiene que hacerlo

he has to find it = tiene que encontrarlo

he has to see it = tiene que verlo

she doesn't have to do it = no tiene que hacerlo

you have = tienes

you have to = tienes que

you have to do it = tienes que hacerlo

you must do it today = tienes que hacerlo hoy


to say/to tell = decir

to tell me = decirme

you have to tell me = tienes que decirme

late = tarde

myself = mismo/a

to have = tener

to have it = tenerlo

i hvae to have it = tengo que tenerlo

es urgente = 바쁘다.

to tell him/her

decirle = her, him

decirles = to tell them

you can = puedes

you can't = no puedes

you have to tell them why you can't do it tonight =

tienes que decirles por que(') no puedes hacerlo esta noche

to buy = comprar

to buy it = comprarlo

i have to buy it today = tengo que comprarlo hoy

when = cua(')ndo

when do i have to do it? = cua(')ndo tengo que hacerlo?


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Español02 :: Baby Dragon Ball GT  (0) 2020.09.23